
Singapore Food Resilience Study

A group project centered around PowerBI Service for the heavy lifting of data preparation, understanding and visualizations.


The end product of this group project was a PowerBI report featuring the key metrics used to track local food production in Singapore. Various indicators were employed to track food security. Namely, agriculture orientation index (AOI), local food production (tonnes), farm count, food wastage, and food import weight.

Work Process

My initial plan was to visualise the trend on Singapore's dependence on food imports. Which could be a key indicator in whether Singapore is striving towards a resilience food supply. Not only that, I could also utilise farm count to visualise the horizontal scaling of food production and whether it matches the increased food output. If the horizontal scaling is present, yet no vertical growth in outputs per farm, that can also be employed as a key indicator.

After I had gathered all the data, mostly from Singapore Department of Statistics, I went to clean the datasets by removing errorneous data and formatting it the way I needed it (mostly within Microsoft Excel and Power Query Editor). I then started crafting the visualisations, separating it into 3 pages - food imports, local food production, local food farms.

I had to work with the data to create calculated metrics such as average output per farm on the vertical scaling front and year over year growth on food imports.

Last part was decorating the visualisations, which was a fun aspect as I worked in Inkscape to create icons and other visual elements.


Singapore has no prevelent issue of food insecurity amongst its population. This led to data scarcity on direct food security metrics.

How I Overcame Those Challenges

Indirect indicators were used as a proxy mean to measure food security. Such as share of food consumption in Singapore that is imported.

Food security means ensuring availability of sufficient and nutritious food at all times. This meant that local food production also played a key role.

Work in progress

I am still documenting this project, please check again later!

Alternatively, I am readily contactable at [email protected] :)